Thursday 28 March 2013

Activity Five

Activity five dealt with the Integrated Approach and its challenges in ICT integration in education. This strategy incorporates different skills into a single learning event For example, students may be given an assignment which will require them to apply knowledge gained in mathematics although the assignment may be in Social Studies. 
In terms of ICT integration,I discovered from  reading the article "Best Practice Approaches to Computer Literacy", that  to use this strategy to help students gain computer literacy, will depend on the ability of educators to set appropriate tasks to suit the needs of the learning environment( as pointed out in the article).

This means that as teachers we should:
  • Set learner-centered curriculum related tasks. These tasks should be open-ended in order to support problem solving and critical thinking while making use of a range of  ICT.
  • Use  ICT to provide opportunities for knowledge application in real life contexts as much as possible. 
To achieve these objectives careful planning and execution of said plans is crucial. This process will be tedious and frustrating at the beginning but practice will make it  easier in the end.

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