Sunday 3 March 2013

Activity 1 – ICT in schools - Introduction

Students’ learning styles have changed with the introduction of ICT in our daily lessons.
ICT integration in developing countries is faced with many challenges such as limited funding, teacher preparation and competencies, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment.
In St.Vincent and the Grenadines, these challenges are also present. However, the government has taken measures to combat these problems. These measures include:
Implementing the “one laptop per child” initiative.
Providing internet access in all schools
Training of teachers in ICT use and integration
These measures mirror the components of the WorLD, Program of the World Bank Institute which are:
Internet connectivity for secondary schools in developing countries.
Training in the use of technology to improve teaching and learning.
School-to-school partnerships, as well as regional and global partnerships with public, private, and non-governmental organizations.
Telecommunications policy advice for the education sector.
Monitoring and evaluation.
To say that "It is impossible for a developing nation to compete with developed nations in the field of ICT integration in schools" is not correct. Since it is not all about the technology itself, but how effectively it is implemented into the daily lessons that make the difference.
There must be changes to the curriculum to facilitate new pedagogies that will inevitably emerge with ICT integration.

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