Tuesday 28 January 2014

Activity 4: Behaviourism

By participating in this activity I am reminded of some of the things that makes an effective teacher.Reading my fellow participants comments, I have gathered a few new strategies to use in my classroom. In trying to create a more child friendly atmosphere in my school, these strategies will come in handy. I hope they will be successful.

Activity 3:Social Cognitive Theory

This activity reminds us that our students learn a great deal by observing what we do as teachers in our classroom. Students pick up our attitudes and nonverbal actions quite easily. Therefore we must be vigilant in everything we do. We may say one thing but our actions may demonstrate another. Teachers leave a lasting impression on students whether it is good or bad.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Activity 2: Information Processing

Students learn in different ways.Some are tactile learners while others are visual or auditory learners.Some students are combination of all three or only two of them.In all of these ways students have to be able to encode information as this activity shows. For me, grouping the letters in the first part together  helped me remember more of them than when I tried to remember them separately. The letters in the second part were recognised as word so it was easy to remember them. This indicates that information must have meaning to a person before it is committed to the long term memory.

Module 1: Activity1

This activity brought back many memories from my early teaching years and it caused me to reflect on how my teaching strategies has evolved. Many colleagues have helped me along the way and for that I am very thankful. It is always important for us to re-tool ourselves and continue to research to find new ways of helping our students.