Tuesday 23 April 2013

New Module

We started Module 3 today with Gerald and I enjoyed the session immensely.My favourite activity was the brainstorming session.This is definitely an activity that would benefit my students greatly. I was fun working with everyone in a face to face setting. The fact that I was able to put faces to names made it more personal. 
roles of an educator(  Mediator, Designer,  Administrator, Scholar, Pastoral, Assessor,  Specialist) are not new but applying ICT to them is something to think about.

Sunday 21 April 2013

Activity 9

This activity focused on how ready our schools are to integrate ICT. The STaR chart is a very useful tool in assessing school readiness. In my opinion, it can also serve as a reference point for integrating ICT. I think most schools in St.Vincent will fall in the early tech stage.When using it to evaluate my school,it is obvious that we have a long way to go.

Activity 8

This activity dealt with the impact of ICT on schools from two perspectives: teaching spaces and curriculum delivery. The Churchill report looked at redesigning the classroom to make the use of ICT tools more effective. This article made me think about how I can rearrange my classroom to facilitate the use ICT tools better.

The question was asked " Why wait for ICT before examining our teaching methods?" I say teachers do not have to wait. ICT is just a tool that enhances our teaching methods. We evaluate our teaching methods when we assess students' learning. 

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Activity 7: Reflections

This activity involved a lot of reading however those readings were quite informative. Constructing the presentation was rewarding. It helped me to focus on where my school should be in terms of ICT integration. Although I shared it with my principal, I was not able to get a response seeing that it was Easter break. I hope that there would be a discussion on it in the next staff meeting.

The feedback from members of the ICT group was tremendous. Everyone made a worthwhile contribution. I was able to see what  other schools were doing and identify similar concerns to mine.