Tuesday 12 November 2013

Activity 5: Assessment Tools

This activity was challenging for me since it involved creating rubrics and checklists. I had to a lot of reading and researching in order to understand what I was doing. Rubrics are a good way of assessing group work as well as observations made in the classroom. these tools help the teacher to give good feedback to the students

Activity 4:How We assess

I learnt a lot from this activity. It broaden my understanding of self assessment and peer assessment. Self assessment can of great help to students. It helps them to take responsibility for their learning by reflecting on their own work, so that they may improve it in  the future.
Peer assessment can be beneficial or not beneficial depending on the way it is handled by the teacher. Students must have a good relationship with each other in order to take and give good feedback. Some students may be reluctant to give their friends a negative report or grade.

Activity 3: Catering for Diversity

Diversity among students is something that all teachers should pay close attention to.In many cases, the trend of the lesson or assessment method is "one size fits all". This is a mindset that needs to be changed.  I hope to be better equipped to meet the needs of all my students and assess them in a more efficient manner that will be beneficial to their learning.