Sunday 9 June 2013

Activity 11

This activity required me to create a personal learning network. This is a new concept for me but i am excited to be involved in it. One good that has occurred is that I was introduced to the twitter world which I had avoided for a long time. This because I always thought that twitter was just a place to chat . This activity showed me otherwise. now I have my own twitter account which will be used as my PLN. It has been very resourceful so far.

Activity 10

This activity asked the question"Can we be smart workers?"Ii say yes we can. I say thus for the simple fact that we need to be if we expect to achieve the maximum of reaching each and every one of our students. Being a smart worker requires  constant research and upgrading of our knowledge and skills. ICT has open the door for us to achieve this. through the avenues of the social network, strategies and resources can be shared. Online studies can be done that will advance pedagogies and make teaching and learning more effective.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Activity 9

This activity was very interesting. It showed me how to evaluate websites to authenticate their trustworthiness in terms of their purpose, credibility, accuracy and bias. However these are not he only criteria on which to evaluate a website. The information on website should also be content appropriate  for the context of the lesson as well as the grade level.It is important to bear in mind that not all information on the internet is useful. or credible.

Activity 8

This activity introduced me to  a variety of ways in which I can use spread sheets in my lessons. This was very useful to me since I do not use spread sheets much in my teaching. My fellow participants did a marvelous job with their lesson plans.I know they won't mind  me borrowing their ideas. My main goal is to upgrade my skills in this area.

Monday 3 June 2013

Activity 7

This activity reminded me about the Just-in-Time approach which I learnt about in the previous module. My colleagues presented good strategies to handle larg e groups using one computer. These suggestions are very applicable in my situation at present.

Activity 5

This activity was very beneficial to me. It showed me how to use many features in Microsoft programs that I never knew about. My only regret is that I did not have enough time to explore all of the scenarios. I am especially interested to find out how many ways I can use Microsoft Publisher in my teaching. This is my task for the upcoming vacation time.

Sunday 2 June 2013

Activity 4- Spreadsheets for administrative purposes

this activity was a challenge for me since I am not very versed in Microsoft Excel. Still I was able to produce something decent after some help from my colleagues. This program is one that I have to spend some time with in order to use it effectively in my administrative duties. Overall, it was an enjoyable activity.

Activity 3b

This activity was fun for me. I liked looking at the different  lesson plans presented by the group and gathering ideas that I can adapt to my students. Throughout this module I have been pressed for time so I was glad to be able to participate in  this activity well.

Activity 3

This was an extension of activity 2. The focus this time was on the learner instead of the teacher. the drawing tools can be used to create pictures, flow charts, story maps or even brainstorming charts. A word processor has many uses in all subject areas. It can make things easier for the 'bad' spellers too.

Activity 2

This activity showed how to use a word processor for administrative purposes as well as for lesson plans. this is not new to me because I do use Microsoft Word for creating tests , worksheets and record keeping.  However this activity presented new ideas that I could incorporate in my daily routine.