Tuesday 9 December 2014

Module 6 Project Based Learning

this module was an eye opener for me. I learnt that PBL is an effective  and exciting way to develop critical thinking and deeper learning competencies in students. I found  working with webquests a very challenging but rewarding experience. Exploring various webquest afforded me the opportunity to gather valuable resources and ideas that will enhance my teaching in the classroom.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Module 8

This module was a bit easier than the last module for me although I met some challenges in the first assignment. During this time I was very sick and was not able to concentrate at all. Using the Wiki was a new experience. It was very helpful in providing additional information during the activities. I gained valuable information on how to utilise cellphones and tablets in the classroom since these are the ICT tools  that are most common among students. The flipped classroom is a concept that I will have to read more about before trying it out in my classroom.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Module 5 Activity 3

This activity dealt with evaluating educational software.This is very important in identifying how it can be used effectively in your lesson to achieve your learning objectives. It is also important to use the software yourself to identify any obstacles that may be encountered by students and to verify whether its contents is suitable for your students

Module 5 Activity 2: Experiencing educational software

In this activity , I shared an educational software that I use from time to time with my class. I have looked at my colleagues' documents and found some reaaly interesting ones.I particularly liked Sheddie's science Brain Pop. Youtube is my number one resource for educational videos.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Module 5: Activity 1 social bookmarking

This activity introduced me to a new website that has proven to be most useful. Diigo is a social bookmarking site that allows me to access my bookmarks from any computer. I usually bookmark useful sites when researching information so this website is very beneficial to me.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Activity 4: Behaviourism

By participating in this activity I am reminded of some of the things that makes an effective teacher.Reading my fellow participants comments, I have gathered a few new strategies to use in my classroom. In trying to create a more child friendly atmosphere in my school, these strategies will come in handy. I hope they will be successful.

Activity 3:Social Cognitive Theory

This activity reminds us that our students learn a great deal by observing what we do as teachers in our classroom. Students pick up our attitudes and nonverbal actions quite easily. Therefore we must be vigilant in everything we do. We may say one thing but our actions may demonstrate another. Teachers leave a lasting impression on students whether it is good or bad.